Saturday, March 3, 2012

South Australia, Bananas

As of this morning, we were on our way to Perth (west coast), but then our hearts told us to turn around and go to Brisbane (east coast), so we did.  What I mean by that is we talked to a girl who made 23 AUD’s an hour making coffee in Brisbane, which apparently is the going rate, so after a short discussion regarding finances (specifically the $300 in petrol money we’d save not driving to Perth and the draw of a lucrative barista career in Queensland), we promptly turned around.  The drive west wasn’t totally in vain, as we did stay at a couple lovely campsites (we are developing very refined tastes in campsites) and got some great drive-by pictures of Adelaide.  But this kind of indecision comes at a price when you are getting 5.5 k’s to the L and petrol is $1.50/L.  To crunch those numbers into a meaningful/American figure, every mile costs us about 50 cents.  Whatever.  But then we got a flat tire in the middle of the South Australia bush.  And then the spare tire got flat too and so we got stuck in the middle of the South Australia bush until further notice.  And then we found out that the only west-bound highway within many many k's is closed until even further notice.  I would say nevermind about the $300 we saved, but that wouldn’t make any sense because thank goodness we aren’t in the middle of the Western Australia bush with a flat spare tire with no useful highways within many many k's.  Brisbane here we come.


  1. Is my baby lying in the middle of a highway in the middle of AUSTRALIA????

    1. Awwwww, I won't do anything dangerous ever again. Promise :)
