Sunday, February 5, 2012

Camper Cruising in Victoria Part One

Yesterday I accidentally announced to Adam for the second time in the course of our relationship that I played first chair flute in high school.  There is no reason to announce even once to anyone (don’t worry I realize I’m announcing it to you too) that you played first chair flute in high school, unless for a practical purpose, or it is a life or death situation.  Material runs out quickly when you’re camper cruising and we’ve been camper cruising for two and a half weeks now.  Don’t feel bad for us though because camper cruiser living is mainly full of perks.  Perks like time for daily stretches, time for reading, time for making crepes, and time for lots of other things.  Too many perks to mention!  No joke.  We are even considering making camper cruising a permanent lifestyle, but when I think long and hard about that it is obvious I might have felt differently before our recent fortnightly shower.  Life isn’t so rosy at the end of a whole fortnight of no real showers, but that’s beside the point.  The point is our first leg of camper cruising in Victoria is coming to an end and you can add Adam and me to the list of everyone, which is basically everyone, who highly recommends traveling the Great Ocean Road and the Grampian National Park, if you are ever in the area.  Though if you had to choose only one, choose the Great Ocean Road.  But if you don’t, then definitely see both.

NEW OBSERVATION AND FUTURE NEW TECHNIQUE: Kangaroos are surprisingly bouncy (new obs.).  They are beautiful, bouncy animals and Adam wants to roadkill one with the camper cruiser and eat it (new tech.).  We’ll keep you posted.


  1. FYI: We have had the roo in Belgique and only mildly enthused. stop. Suggest trying a venomous reptile in place of. stop. Shark nuggets are an even better choice. Culinarily yours, k+c

    1. Duly noted. stop. Better to roadkill a snack or a shark anyway. stop. Sincerely yours, j+a
