Monday, February 27, 2012


Getting oh you silly sausage-d by a darn cute old Scottish lady at a shoe store for being shoe shopping and not being at the Geelong street festival

Waking up on the sociopath/identity crisis side of the bed in Australia

New technique/tips for coping if wake up on the sociopath/identity crisis side of the bed in Australia:
Tint wash hair silver-y purple
Chant USA loudly and woof-like in public places in ironic protest of international American stereotype
Descriptively force husband to imagine what it would be like to be (married) with other women

New observation:
If a comparative study were done on the efficacy of road construction signs between Victoria and Minnesota, Victoria would win.  The road construction signs around here really make you want to slow down and keep your eyes peeled for the hard-working puppy-dog-eyed construction workers worrying if they’ll make it home alive to see their families for dinner.  Whereas the threat of doubled ticket fines in construction zones is compelling, it’s not that compelling.  And if you were thinking of googling examples of ways Australia is more authoritative parent-like than the US because you needed more material to make your blogpost worthwhile, don’t bother because the effort will be rendered mainly fruitless.  Though there are other ways that Australia is more authoritative parent-like than the US because I know I’ve had this feeling before about Australian authority in a different context than road construction signs, right now I can’t think of any.  That’s the news here.

WILL we find a satisfactorily-paying harvest job and if we do WHAT kind of fruits/vegetables will we be harvesting?

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