Friday, January 27, 2012


Apostles/actual major landmarks

Actual major landmarks up closer

For Eben, from Adam, with love

Actual major landmark cont.

New (illegal) campsite complete with cow stampede and good-looking husband

Living off the land/illegal campsite

Grazing in the grass/illegal campsite

Great illegal campsite photo compliments of the husband

The stars are breathtaking and beyond down here.  It’s like going from a clear night in Minneapolis to a clear night in Houston (MN) and then that same increment of increase in breathtaking times two to a clear night along the coast in rural Victoria.  It’s inspiring, I’d say. 

In other news, for mothers and such who are interested, we’re camping tonight in Warrnambool, which is the end of the Great Ocean Road, and tomorrow or the next day we’ll head up to see the Grampians National Park because everyone says it’s really great there.  And in the meantime, we're staying safe and having fun and wearing sunscreen and avoiding sharks and riptides.


  1. you two are adorable! looks like you're having a blast! btw i LOVE that blue and white dress Justina! :)

  2. The first and last photo are fantastic!!!! :D

  3. btw eben loved the bacon shot. so thoughtful!

  4. Is the Southern Cross in that celestial shot?
