Thursday, January 12, 2012

Roughing It Cont.

Guess what.  We bought a Landcruiser.  A Landcruiser converted into a camping rig, complete with necessary camping features like a built-in mattress, sunshed canopy, fishing poles x3, fishing gun (shark defense), 4-person tent, lots of useful maps, portable camping cookers x2, 25 litre water tanks x2, full kitchen equipment, snorkeling sets x3, camping chairs x3, camping table, skid board, quality acoustic guitar, a football, and a volleyball.  But most importantly (most importantly according to people like Adam who foresee off-roading through soggy fields circumstances to a certainty), it has 4-wheel drive.  So anyway, we’re going to live/camp out of this thing while we travel through the South and Western Australia area and beyond.  Because we like each other so much and that’s just the sort of thing people do when they’re on trips like this.  Not to mention, in the interest of the travel budget, it’s a pretty smart move.  Minus gas expenses and the luxury of a kitchen, bathroom, and sitting-up-in-bed room, it sure beats paying rent.  But it’s not all rainbows and red balloons.  I do have two minor misgivings: firstly, I will probably (over 50% chance) crash and burn when it’s my turn to drive due to several contributing factors (brain conditioned to drive on the other side of the road, left and right confusion, memory like a goldfish, manual transmission, history of car accidents both minor and major, out of driving practice etcetc), and secondly, what if we can’t find a shower for two weeks or something.  Otherwise, there aren’t any noteworthy concerns that come to mind when considering living out of a dinosaur suv for three months in the boonies of the most predatorially life-threatening country on earth with a minimal amount of survival skills (I’m only speaking for myself here) and only a fishing gun for defense.  What I’m trying to say is, if you have anything to say about this lifestyle decision and you aren’t my mom I already beat you to it so shut your pie hole.

There she is/jk about your pie hole

1 comment:

  1. wowza! congrats!!! she looks wonderful! cant wait to see you guys on sunday for some more photoshoots! maybe we can take some shots with the car!
