Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More Melbourne, Bananas

Good ol' Ross Street

Long black, or something

The crib

Australia's fav cookie

Movember close-up/more chicken


Many people (like four or something) told us that Melbourne was very similar in many ways to Minneapolis before we left.   Which was great news because Minneapolis was the best city in the world to live in, that we (mainly I, Adam lived in Europe for a bit, so Minneapolis has some competition in his book) knew of, so far.  Indeed, Melbourne does have a Minneapolis/St. Paul feel to it.  If you’re interested in our initial assessment of similarities and differences, go ahead and keep reading.


Melbourne has this one building that looks EXACTLY like the Weisman
rent-a-bike stations (although Minneapolis had them first)
both have target centers, but Melbourne’s is spelled centre
lovely bridge views, especially at night
rivers running through them (Yarra and Mississippi, obviously)
friendly, smiley people
library rules are the same (you can’t enthusiastically skype home next to old men trying to catch z’s)


Melbourne is seemingly more humongous
Melbourne is more expensive (not including the $2.50 wine at Aldi)
Melbourne has bigger bugs
Minneapolis lacks the possibility of shark attacks
Climate variations (blizzards versus no blizzards)
Coffee orders in Melbourne are confusing if you don’t ask questions (helpful tip: long black synonymous with Americano, and flat white kind of synonymous with latte)

More to come on that front.  In other news, Adam and I have been eating at least one whole chicken every day for the past three days.  I think it’s because we’ve replaced our daily eggs for breakfast habit with oatmeal and our bodies are craving cholesterol.  In other even more other news, our housemates are delightful.  More to come on that front as well.  Additionally, in yet even more other news, I got a job.  And Adam’s been beating them (employers) off with a stick, just waiting for the right one, so it won’t be long before he has one too. 

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