Monday, November 28, 2011

Roughing It in Melbourne

Since the big move, we’ve experienced quite a few lifestyle changes.  Living out of a suitcase in a different country aside, most of the changes have entailed some degree of downsizing.  For instance, rather than six shower products between the two of us (five for Justina and one for Adam), we share one.  Fashion Girl conditioning shampoo by Palmolive.  The best smelling and most economical per ml of the all-in-one shower product options at Coles.  And not to make our lives sound glamorous or anything, but we eat in, a diet that includes, and is mainly limited to, rice, beans, pasta, pasta sauce, potatoes, cheese, oatmeal, brown sugar, milk, coffee, and tea.  Gone are the days of superfluous movie rentals from Filmzilla.  Our new favorite hangout is the library, which includes luxuries such as free wi-fi, celebrity magazine and dvd rentals.  Not that any of these changes are unwelcome, because they’re not, and some of them have even produced practically genius inventions.  Take the Sidewalk Glider, for instance (see below).  That’s genius, right?  And who would have ever thought of that if they had a car?  Not Adam, anyway.  Also, Oatmeal Desert.  If we could afford ice cream sandwiches, would we ever have invented Oatmeal Desert?  No.  We wouldn’t have.  And let us know if you want the recipe.  It’s delicious.  All you need is oatmeal, milk, olive oil, vanilla, and brown sugar. 

Ps  If we sound like we’re complaining, we’re not.  The roughing-it is self-imposed and we don't mind it as long as we can go to the beach at the drop of a hat.


Intellectual property

Oatmeal dessert.  Basically, extremely sweet granola.

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