Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hola Pilgrims

Thanksgiving, south of the border style

Sharing is Caring 

Filling up on Hugs and Kisses "Sangria"

Joining the festivities 9,000 miles away

My Hot Wife

Elements of an Expat Thanksgiving:

* Didgeridoo Music / Spanish reggae / Disney sing along
* Uncle Bens Mexican style rice
* Nana Coles Pulled chicken and mixed bean Enchiladas
* Tortilla chips and salsa
* Sangria with loads of sugar to sweeten the deal (Tom and Fede)
* And a special meringue, ice cream and strawberry desert (Nicole and Hellen) 


  1. thanks for the skype call on thanksgiving. that was so awesome for you to think of us, too. really appreciated that one. jerkface.

    oh, and get the Skype app for your iphone

  2. Evan, The Ipone is not working so well. GPS issues and other things. Send me an e-mail of a time you would like to skype and we'll try and make it work.

  3. Would you believe we have our very own digeridoo?

  4. Kerry, I wouldn't doubt it for a minute. Do you play?

    And e.Mills, you get Christmas priority. Also, we're generally available for skyping evening your time after 6pm (except your Saturday evenings). Let us know.
